суббота, 27 октября 2007 г.

NL Training

After my bonus at Party is over, I did what first new umgehört, unfortunately without success so far. But for what I did because my provider Experiment Dream Poker? Also at the tables and NL20 SH play. Unfortunately, there were some problems a few Connection (yet again), so I had to prematurely terminate session ... Gewinn. With a $ 26 profit. This gave me the Menschenkentniss the money. A AllIn against the Bully Table with Q as top pair with A kicker.

Because I also have a few dollars in VC Poker had. With whom I will just take me to a table NL10 .. The man seltsamerweiße could take $ 20. Regardless, it was hardly anyone with more than $ 5 in the table. gereicht. Has then again for $ 7 meals.

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