вторник, 23 октября 2007 г.

Initial attempts at Eurobet.com

Since the Internet me back, I wanted even a few steps at Eurobet.com. Wanted to just let's see how the software works in the rough. Will I have been a little, but this is already going.

Current Level: 1.5 ($ 0.10 / $ 0.10 PL)
Big Blinds: +16
Poker Points: 0,28 / 273
(dies ist jetzt die ganz genaue Zahl, vorher war ich mir nicht 100%ig sicher, da ich meine Dokumente auf dem anderen PC hatte. Hab euch also nichts vorenthalten) Real:-$ 20:16 (this is now the very precise figure, before I was not 100% sure, because I think other documents on the PC. Have you nothing to hide)

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