вторник, 23 октября 2007 г.

Fixed Limit

I have with me the pot limit and fixed limit again go through the head. As I do somehow have noticed that the people with 99% of Bets eh not get out of the pot and I Bets by large and people who call everything somehow lost more than profit, Level 1, I will change something. Since I always grade on + -0 bin fits pretty well.

Updated Level 1:
Limit: $ 0.05 / $ 0.10 FL
Objective 1: 750BBs
Objective 2: 273 Poker Points (News: 192.62)

Hopefully it with the bonus still continuing. If I notice that it is just, I werd one or two days before schedule a $ 0.25 / $ 0.25 PL session slide in between.

Hab just my first round FL behind me. Unfortunately, there are at Eurobet.com only $ 0.15 / $ 0.30 as the lowest. I have played it briefly, and must say that this is so not my thing - but still got a BB won (Note: In FL is a BB course, a Big Bet and not a Big Blind as in the PL). Therefore, I will probably stay with PL and after a creative break (at least one day) again the fight to deny Level 1.

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