вторник, 23 октября 2007 г.

Damage limitation

It was actually clear that the kick in the new limit is not so successful. But it ran at the end of $ 0.10 / $ 0.10 simply too good. waren das Ergebnis der letzten halben Stunde, dann wurde ich zu Müde und unkonzentriert und habe es lieber gelassen. But still I could in my evening session again a little good: 26BBs were the result of the last half hour, then I was too tired and falters and have it rather calmly.

When I look at the statistics look so, it is my complete loss only at a table, everyone else, I have a plus or at least with a plus-minus zero.
Tomorrow is another day. Maybe I will try again one SnG.

Current Level: 2 ($ 0.25 / $ 0.25 PL)
Big Blinds: -64
Poker Points: 27.86 / 273 (10%!)
Real:-$ 13:26

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